Resources - Connecting Church and Community

Lending Your Leadership: How Pastors Are Redefining Their Role in Community Life
Baptist pastor Nelson Granade explains in this brief book how clergy can play a unique leadership role in community life.
Publisher’s Website
Seek, Know and Serve the People Within Your Reach
A short book by church consultant and leadership coach Tom Bandy offers tools to help congregations get to know their communities.
Publisher’s Website
How to Crowdsource Placemaking
Bill Habicht, pastor of Davis Community Church in Davis, CA, suggests how crowdsourcing can help us create the communities we want, in this 13-minute TEDTalk.
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FCS Urban Ministries
The website of Focused Community Strategies (FCS) reports on the actions and lessons learned by this community-based collective in Atlanta, GA, which strives to transform distressed urban neighborhoods through Christian community development.
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Toxic Charity
In 200-odd pages, this book, subtitled How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (And How to Reverse It), takes a close look at the unintentional damage that can be done by unexamined ministries, particularly church mission trips.
Publisher’s Website
How to Hit the Ground Running: A Quick-Start Guide for Congregations with New Leadership
Designed for new clergy, this workbook walks you from one month prior to arrival through the first 18 months.
Publisher’s Website