Resources - Dealing with Conflict

Insights Into Congregational Conflict
Conclusions about congregational conflict, based on the Faith Communities Today 2000 national survey of 14,301 congregations. Available as a free downloadable PDF file.
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Discover Your Conflict Management Style
Speed Leas’s short book introduces his conflict management style instrument, which is based on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) but has been adapted and expanded for use in religious congregations.
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Getting to Yes summary
The Conflict Resolution Consortium created this quick summary of Getting to Yes, the classic text on negotiating agreement by Roger Fisher and William Ury.
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The Dynamics of Conflict: A Guide to Engagement and Intervention
This second edition, published in 2012, retains the original seminal work’s focus on how to think productively about conflict and conflict intervention.
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Nonviolent Communication Techniques
An introduction to communication techniques for transforming potential conflicts into peaceful dialogues, from the Center for Nonviolent Communication, San Francisco.
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The Roleplay Book: 41 Hypothetical Situations
A collection of 41 conflict resolution scenarios developed as roleplaying exercises by the Mennonite Conciliation Service, available for free download as a PDF file.
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William Ury: The Walk from No to Yes
A 19-minute TED Talk delivered by William Ury in 2010 introduces his approach to conflict transformation, called the Third Side.
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The Third Side
This website introduces the Third Side approach to conflict transformation, developed by William Ury and the Global Negotiation Project at Harvard University.
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“Style Matters”: The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory Online
For $6.95, you can take this assessment online and receive a detailed conflict styles profile.
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