Resources - Communication and Relationships

Just Because You Can Preach Doesn’t Make You a Communicator
A Q & A interview with communication scholar Maria Dixon Hall examines where church communications are failing and how they can be improved.
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10 Steps to Stronger Nonprofit Communications
Marketing and communications consultant Jill Rasmussen provides strategies for more effective nonprofit communications.
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Examples of Organizational Communication Networks
This quick article from the online version of the Houston Chronicle describes four different types of organizational communication networks.
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Organizational Communication chapter – open source book on communication studies
Learn key concepts in organizational communication from this chapter in Survey of Communication Study in Wikibooks.
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What is Organizational Communication?
A 17-minute video by Matt Koschmann, a communications professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, introduces the basics of organizational communication.
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Discover Your Spiritual Type: A Guide to Individual and Congregational Growth
Corinne Ware’s 156-page book, Discover Your Spiritual Type, provides a framework for people to articulate their spiritual experiences; clergy may find it helpful in understanding and resolving conflict around liturgy and worship.
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Nonviolent Communication Techniques
An introduction to communication techniques for transforming potential conflicts into peaceful dialogues, from the Center for Nonviolent Communication, San Francisco.
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Learning While Leading: Increasing Your Effectiveness in Ministry
An adjunct professor at Andover Newton Theological School explores difficult church dynamics using the tools of Action Science.
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Pastoral Leadership: How to Develop Leaders and Motivate Your Team
Downloadable PDF of a MS PowerPoint presentation on developing leadership capacities in yourself and others; it also describes the benefits of gathering 360º feedback.
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Pygmalion Effect Training Activity
A case study approach to discussing expectations and their repercussions as a group, available free online from CRM Learning.
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Leadership and Expectations: Pygmalion Effects and Other Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Organizations
This 1992 scientific paper details how self-fulfilling prophecies work in the management of industrial, sales, and military organizations.
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Use the Pygmalion Effect to Create a High Performing Team
A leadership coach describes how your expectations shape the performance and development of the people you lead.
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The Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Positive Expectations
Free six-minute video explaining how your initial perceptions and expectations of others can greatly impact the performance of the group.
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Personality Type in Congregations: How to Work With Others More Effectively
Teacher, consultant, and Presbyterian minister Lynne M. Baab explores how church leaders can effectively use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
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