Resources - Managing Change and Mission

Parallel Development: A Pathway for Exploring Change and a New Future in Congregational Life
A 24-page booklet available as a free downloadable PDF explains how to use parallel development to manage change and potential conflict in a congregation.
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Adaptors and Innovators – Why New Initiatives Get Blocked
This online article explains the differences between adoptors and innovators, while exploring why some organizations tend to resist new ideas.
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The Climate for Transformation: Lessons for Leaders
A helpful online summary of research findings about how leaders can cultivate a positive climate and culture for innovation in their organizations.
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Discover Your Spiritual Type: A Guide to Individual and Congregational Growth
Corinne Ware’s 156-page book, Discover Your Spiritual Type, provides a framework for people to articulate their spiritual experiences; clergy may find it helpful in understanding and resolving conflict around liturgy and worship.
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Change Readiness Assessment Tool
A free downloadable PDF file, this assessment enables you to interpret your scores in seven areas of change-readiness.
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