Resources - Do Clergy Learn After Seminary?

Disruption and Leadership Development in Mainline Protestantism
An article from Duke University’s Faith & Leadership website describes how clergy leadership development will benefit from experiments in disruptive innovation.
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So Much Better: How Thousands of Pastors Help Each Other Thrive
This 232-page book examines the impact of peer group participation on pastoral leaders, their families, and their ministries.
Publisher’s Website
A Study of the Effects of Participation in SPE Pastoral Leader Peer Groups
Scientific evaluation of the impact of Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) – initiated peer groups, published by Austin Presbyterian Seminary.
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Becoming the Pastor You Hope to Be: Four Practices for Improving Ministry
Recommends four practices for new clergy: soliciting feedback, seeking mentors, engaging with peer groups, and examining your public role.
Publisher’s Website
Preparing the Pastors We Need: Reclaiming the Congregation’s Role in Training Clergy
This short book serves as a practical guide for churches considering a pastoral residency program.
Publisher’s Website