
The Roleplay Book: 41 Hypothetical Situations
A collection of 41 conflict resolution scenarios developed as roleplaying exercises by the Mennonite Conciliation Service, available for free download as a PDF file.
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William Ury: The Walk from No to Yes
A 19-minute TED Talk delivered by William Ury in 2010 introduces his approach to conflict transformation, called the Third Side.
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The Third Side
This website introduces the Third Side approach to conflict transformation, developed by William Ury and the Global Negotiation Project at Harvard University.
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Learning While Leading: Increasing Your Effectiveness in Ministry
An adjunct professor at Andover Newton Theological School explores difficult church dynamics using the tools of Action Science.
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A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making
A 9-page article published by the Harvard Business Review explains how leaders tailor their approach to fit the complexity of the situation.
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Spiritual Discernment in Decision-Making
A two-page outline, free for download as a PDF, on how to use spiritual discernment in making decisions.
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What is Decision Mapping?
This online article introduces decision mapping as a technique for making difficult decisions, either as an individual or as a group.
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The Pilot Decision-Making Process
Online example of an effective decision-making process used by pilots, from Langley Flying School in Langley, British Columbia.
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Decision Making Styles
This web page outlines four basic decision making styles, with their advantages and disadvantages.
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Raising the Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition
This book is a resource designed specifically for a congregational learning team at a church transitioning from pastoral-size to program-size.
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